We need your help with how the story works!
Rule Referendum - Your votes change elements of the story.
Is Tim in actual danger? Should they be worried? What is the way forward? Let’s stop and think about the process.
Question 1: Choices
So far we’re enjoying writing Misadventure Adventure and are committed to using people’s suggestions in meaningful ways, not just cramming them in silly ways.
What we want to know is if that is the right approach, do we need to make everything a choice or not? Do the choices need to have an immediate effect or can it be delayed (e.g. when people chose Tim to take the Magic Lesson flyer tab in Chapter 1 it wasn’t followed up on until now).
What do you think we should do with the choices?
Whatever works for the writers, so far I’m loving this.
More choices, I want to choose every step Tim makes.Less choices, I think that sometimes they’re tokenistic.
Question 2: Gamification
Now furthermore, something has been eating away at me a little bit. I’m wondering if we should let chance and effort play a bigger role in some decisions. For instance what if Tim is fighting the dreaded Jabberwonky and at the end of the Chapter they are stepped on? Do we just decide if Tim lives or dies? Should we get everyone to roll a dice and average out the answers, or something similar to increase the randomness of the outcome. What if the characters encounter a puzzle at the end of the chapter, should we allow the readers to comment what they think the solution is to see if Tim and company get through? I think this could be fun but it also relies on more interaction with the subscribers. If this happens it wouldn’t be every chapter just on occasions.
Should we gamify some of the interactions and events?
Yes, I would like to occasionally solve puzzles, roll dice and ponder riddles (e.g. I’m a massive nerd).
No, I’m busy with football practise. Plus, Cindy is going to prom with me and I just can’t be seen with you guys anymore.
Thanks for your help, everyone. Sorry this one is not as fun for you all but your feedback will be deeply appreciated. Voting closes on Friday the 15th of April, so get your groove on, Adventurers.
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