Why subscribe?
Subscribe to get full access to the story, website and (most importantly) to influence the madness we create.
Misadventure Adventure is free! But if you want to help butter our bread, Click to Donate!
Advertising and sponsorship free zone, guaranteed or you’ll get your set of steak knives completely free!*
*There will be no actual knives, only fictional daggers.
Stay up-to-date & Build the World
This is where the magic happens. If you’re up to date, you’re along for the ride. You pull the levers of the story by casting your vote and/or adding to the ever-expanding Lore of the Land.
Pitch us a spell. We’ll get that troll you suggested to us to cast it.
Posting Schedule
We will write, illustrate and animate each periodical as often as possible. Fortnightly would be ideal, but hey - we have day jobs and a small child to feed.
Have fun
We can’t promise a coherent experience, a satisfying story or any level of verisimilitude but we can promise weird, wonderful and sentiments including, “wow! I’m glad I spent my precious time reading what these strangers are doing on the internet!”
Three Pronged Widget
Misadventure Adventure is a Three Pronged Widget publication. We’re based in Adelaide, South Australia.
Please be aware that offensive and intolerant language and suggestions will not be tolerated. This is a fun and inclusive game/story and we want anyone to feel like they can join in with the fun.*
*Cussin’ is fun, slurs are dumb.
Also Full authorship and ownership rights are retained by Three Pronged Widget. This includes any contributions from third parties, which can and will be used and republished by the owner in formats and platforms beyond Misadventure Adventure and Substack. Basically, we own that troll and the spell he cast.