Hey You, Yeah YOU!
Have you got a god complex? Well we want you to bring some real sixth day energy and create some damned animals.
The return of Misadventure Adventure is imminent (set your watches for Wednesday) and we thought it was about time for a good old Lore of the Land hoedown.
For new subscribers this is where you have the opportunity to comment with a description of an animal, mineral or vegetable to be added to the Lore of the Land. Don’t forget to add in some idiosyncratic details… or we’ll do it for you. So comment down below with your wee beasties and prepare to meet them in a coming chapter. HUZZAH!
The Furore
Indescribable and feared by all,
The Furore cause most to stall.
Be they beast,
Meaty flesh or yeast?
All we know
Is the furore is a foe.
(Good luck drawing this one)
I’ve got one I’m going to put in The Roaminating Brain.
These little, skinny legged brains both roam and ruminate across the world, eternally pacing and ruminating on tiny indiscretions from when they were alive.
To become a Roaminating Brain you get infected by a lil’ brain parasite called a Cerebrox which implants in your head for life feeding off the host’s anxiety. When the host dies the Cerebrox makes the brain grow legs which violently break out of the skull. The Cerebrox then has to find another host.
Pretty dark.