The Furore

Indescribable and feared by all,

The Furore cause most to stall.

Be they beast,

Meaty flesh or yeast?

All we know

Is the furore is a foe.

(Good luck drawing this one)

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I’ve got one I’m going to put in The Roaminating Brain.

These little, skinny legged brains both roam and ruminate across the world, eternally pacing and ruminating on tiny indiscretions from when they were alive.

To become a Roaminating Brain you get infected by a lil’ brain parasite called a Cerebrox which implants in your head for life feeding off the host’s anxiety. When the host dies the Cerebrox makes the brain grow legs which violently break out of the skull. The Cerebrox then has to find another host.

Pretty dark.

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Done, I know you're me but if anyone wants to see it they can go to section 3 of https://misadventure.substack.com/p/lore-of-the-land

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A sphinx!

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https://misadventure.substack.com/p/lore-of-the-land you may view the Sphinx here in section 3.. we had to give it some kind of spin though. Thank you.

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Coming right up, classic sphinx: human head, lion body, hangs out a doors asking riddles. Got it.

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Can’t wait for the new chapter.

Here’s a species:

Polterslice - these ghostly beings can’t be touched but they can slice you! They’re pretty slice happy on their polter-heists!

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I like it:

“Stick em up or we slice!”

“Oh no, it’s a Geist Heist!”

I’ll draw it today.

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Here they are in their glory, section 3: https://misadventure.substack.com/p/lore-of-the-land

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Nice. Thanks! I like their little masks.

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Love this animation!

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I want video game character creators to have way more interesting metrics to play with. How often have you wanted to adjust ‘chin depth’ of a character? Nope, I want a slider to be like ‘how much do they desire cheeseburgers’ or a field to type in that asks ‘what’s their favourite book?’

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Here's one: the OHGODWHAT

When the spawning algorithm goes wack and/or our all-powerful overlords do an oopsie. Result: a variety of creatures, mashed into a singular horrifying being. Do the said all-powerful overlords care? No. In fact, the last and only time we filed this complaint our High Priest woke up with "DEAL WITH IT" scrawled into it's morning cereal. Have fun drawing this one.

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I’ll manage… it might not look pretty but I’ll do it!

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The Squeeming Squeeto Squadron.

To defend against Squadron leader Moss Zingerdinger and his evil squadron you will either have to rub/spray yourself with citronella, lavender or lemon eucalyptus or carry some of these options on your person. Don't leave home without em.

You will hear the evil squadron as they arrive a minute from when you begin to hear Wagner's "ride of the Valkaries."

A sting from one of the squadron will render you peed off for the foreseeable future.

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And it is done!

Check under 'S' in section 3 of the Lore of the Land: https://misadventure.substack.com/p/lore-of-the-land

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Okay, this one is wild.

... but I'm into it.

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How about a bunch/gang of sprouts....everyone loves sprouts don’t they??? Ha ha. They could be extremely over cooked, soft with a bad odor.

Good luck 🙈

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Muscle Sprouts? They’re tough and get into Sprout Bouts?

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😂😂 I like it

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Look under 'M' in Section 3 of the Lore of the Land https://misadventure.substack.com/p/lore-of-the-land

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