Spells, Weapons and Magical Items
Canonical Comments - Make sure you comment as your suggestions will become part of the Lore of the Land.
Every fantasy story has notable items: rings, cloaks, broomsticks, gauntlets. There wouldn’t be much of a quest at play in this adventure if there weren’t any magical items to explore for… suggest some magical items and their uses below in the comments or else you might get zapped.
For example:
The Tajine of Toxicity
A cooking implement that infuses poison in every dish.
Lens of Lothario
When looking through this telescopic lens, suddenly, everyone looks damn fine.
Discus of Heavy Metals
Throwing disk that always returns to you, strangely it makes the sound of shredding guitars as they fly through the air. The harder you throw it the more impenetrable the notes are.
Ordinaris Ovarium
This incantation will allow the caster to be born again for a matter of minutes as any visible inanimate object that is smaller than themselves.
Like those, but better. Comment down below with your suggestions.
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Discombobulating Disbowelment
Exactly what you think it is.
Wingardium Gelatinous-a
With the flick of the wand and correct enunciation, elevate your foes or whatever you fancy and encapsulate them in jelly.